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Our mission is to foster an appreciation of Delmarva’s unique natural and cultural heritage through education, exploration and enjoyment.


What will you discover?

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Explore Here

Built on the banks of the Pocomoke River the Delmarva Discovery Museum encourages its patrons to explore 16,000 square feet of exhibits.  Our exhibits explore the history, culture, and environment of Maryland's Eastern Shore. Learn more about our exhibits and events by clicking the button below.

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Learn Here

The Delmarva Discovery Museum offers educational programs through our Delmarva Discovery Academy.  Each program invites children to learn about the local history, culture and environment of Maryland's Eastern Shore.  Learn more about the Delmarva Discovery Academy and our field trip programs by clicking the button below.

Imagine Here

Our Museum is a Cultural Hub that has big dreams of expanding our programming.  If you also can imagine what dreams can become reality we invite you to be a donor.  None of this is possible without the help and contributions from people like you, to learn more click the button below.

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